This flow guides the user through the process of entering an invite code, creating an account, choosing between a premium or free plan, selecting a username, and creating and populating a clu
Entering Invite Code
Retrying Invite Code
Confirming Code
Finalizing Code
Account Creation
Entering Email
Adding Password
Submitting Account Info
Providing First Name
Confirming First Name
Inputting Last Name
Confirming Last Name
Setting Birthdate
Creating Account
Account Creation Processing
Choosing Premium Plan
Explaining Premium Benefits
Selecting Essential Plan
Claiming Username Introduction
Choosing Username
Premium Username Selection
Finalizing Username Selection
Confirming Username Choice
Cluster Creation Introduction
Naming Cluster
Renaming Cluster
Connecting Elements Introduction
Adding First Element
Adding Second Element
Adding Third Element
Finalizing Elements Connection
Reviewing Connections
Confirming Final Connections
Reflecting on Human Complexity
Deepening Reflection
Contemplating Civilization of Life
Processing Reflection
Completing Onboarding
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